What is
Veterans OutReach of Mississippi?
Serving America’s Heroes residing in the Mississippi State Veterans Homes since 2009
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide spiritual guidance and counseling and to furnish goods and services not otherwise supplied by the State of Mississippi and or other government agencies to the veterans residing in the Mississippi State Veterans Homes. The Mississippi State Veterans Homes are state owned and operated facilities. They are beautiful homes with a capacity to house 150 residents each at a current cost of about $50 per day to each resident for room and board. Many of the veterans arrive at the home medically indigent and in need of clothing and other necessities of life. Some are very aged and have no family to visit or help them in any way; some have been without proper diet, good clothing and medical treatment, resulting in poor health; some have been homeless and lonely, without family or friends to care for them. And then there are those who have done well and their biggest problem is poor health due to old age; some of these are fortunate enough to have family and friends. Our desire and goal is to help all of our veterans who are in dire need, but specifically our elderly, who are among the most forgotten and neglected.
Filling In The Gaps
In order not to show preferential treatment, Veterans OutReach offers their goods and services through the nursing facility to all of our veterans. Working with the staff of the homes, we are informed of the needs and then we endeavor to supply them. Therefore, those who are in dire need are supplied without suffering injury to their dignity. For personal contact, our volunteers make regular visits to each of the residents to create a bond of friendship and to express our love, appreciation and respect for each of them.
Who We Serve:
- Veterans residing in the Collins State Veterans Home: 3261 US 49, Collins, Mississippi 39428
- Veterans residing in the Kosciusko State Veterans Home: 310 Autumn Ridge Dr, Kosciusko, Mississippi 39090
On-Going Projects
Our organization is constantly looking for new and exciting ways to celebrate and support our veterans. More information coming soon about our on-going efforts to serve our veterans.
Click the names below to hear what they have to say about Veterans OutReach and the impact made by this organization.
Eric Jordan: Director of Operations - Mississippi State Veterans Homes
The word commitment means dedication to a cause. That word adequately describes Veterans OutReach. The commitment Veterans OutReach has in serving the Veterans is remarkable. Veterans OutReach, led by Bro. Jake Sanford, has provided so much over the years to assist the residents, their families, and staff. They have purchased equipment and furniture such as whirlpool tubs, nebulizers, oxygen concentrators, air mattresses, special beds for our large and/or tall residents, leather furniture for the lobby and dayroom area, just to name a few. But Veterans OutReach does more than just buy equipment. Bro. Jake, his wife Shirley, and others are at the home nearly every day visiting with residents and families. Of all the things Veterans Outreach does for the residents, providing spiritual guidance is the most important. Some members of Veterans Outreach have been able to develop a special bond with many of the residents which has created opportunities for them to counsel and pray with many elderly veterans. Someone once said, “as we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” Veterans OutReach has proven time and again that it does not utter words but lives by them. Thank you for all you do.
Tommie Carr: Former Administrator - State Veterans Home, Collins, MS
Veterans OutReach is an amazing organization. I have had the pleasure of meeting all nine of the board members of Veterans OutReach and working closely with them and Brother Jake and Ms. Shirley. Words cannot describe how much they are loved and appreciated at the State Veterans Home in Collins. They visit and fellowship with the men and women on a daily basis. They are such a blessing to see each and every day. They help in meeting the physical and social needs of our veterans by helping to provide clothing and shoes if someone does not have the financial ability to do it themselves. They have helped in purchasing items for the veterans to enjoy and to make it feel like a true home environment. Just to list a few items they have purchased; a beautiful Grand Piano for the chapel; two computers for the veterans to use in the “quiet“ room; two game tables; whirlpool bath tubs for each wing (3); beautiful leather furniture for the recreation rooms and lobby. The Veterans OutReach volunteers help in organizing social events and preparing “home cooked” and “cookout” barbecue meals. They are an essential part of our home.
Rep. Noah Sanford: District 90 - Covington, Simpson, Jefferson Davis Counties
If there were a cause nobler than the one taken up by Veterans OutReach, I am not aware of it. Bro. Jake and Mrs. Shirley, as well as the dozens of volunteers, are doing God’s work on earth – caring for those who often have no one to care for them. Our nation’s heroes who find themselves at the veterans home in Collin or Kosciusko are fortunate to have such a loving group of people to help meet their physical and emotional needs.
Charles Register: Former Administrator - State Veterans Home, Kosciusko, MS
Veterans OutReach is a non-profit group composed of people who are volunteers compassionately committed to their cause of helping our veterans residing in our MS State Veterans Homes. The Veterans OutReach organization stands out as the model for any and all volunteer groups through it‘s strong and dedicated leadership and passionate members. Amazingly, the Veterans OutReach members are able to come together and work closely as a team to make a positive difference in the lives of the people they are committed to serve. They excel in the betterment of the lives of veterans in tangible ways from durable goods, physical activities, personal needs, socialization and spiritual needs and guidance. The positive effect of the work of Veterans OutReach does not stop with those residing in the veterans homes. Veterans OutReach excites the communities with spirit and appreciation for our veterans. I have been blessed to work closely with Veterans OutReach in Collins and also had the pleasure of helping them expand their impact to the MS State Veterans Home in Kosciusko.
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Veterans OutReach of Mississippi
P.O. Box #2058
Collins, MS 39428
“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
Veterans OutReach of Mississippi is an officially registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the state of Mississippi.