Veterans OutReach of Mississippi

Serving America’s Heroes residing in the Mississippi State Veterans Homes since 2009


Our Mission

Our mission is to provide spiritual guidance and counseling and to furnish goods and services not otherwise supplied by the State of Mississippi and or other government agencies to the veterans residing in the Mississippi State Veterans Homes.

Volunteering Opportunities

Did you know that Veterans OutReach is 100% ran and operated by volunteers? We are looking for volunteers to help with organizing social events and providing companionship to our veterans. Interested? Click the “Learn More” button below to read about our serving opportunities.

Donate to Veterans OutReach

Whether it’s $5 or $500, every dollar donated go toward helping support our veterans. You can either give via cash, check or online. Click the “Donate Now” button to learn more about how you can support our organization financially.

Our Story…

Many of the veterans arrive at the Home medically, indigent and in need of clothing and other necessities of life. Some are very aged and have no family to visit, comfort or help them in any way. Veterans Outreach is an all volunteer group formed to provide aid, comfort and an atmosphere of caring for the veterans residing in the home in Collins.

Our mission is to provide spiritual guidance and counseling and to furnish goods and services not otherwise supplied by the state of Mississippi. We have worked with the administrative staff—they inform us of the needs and we endeavor to supply them.

100% Volunteer Operated

Did you know that Veterans OutReach of Mississippi is ran and operated by a team of dedicated volunteers? We have no paid staff in our ranks. We do this to keep administrative costs down and use more money to support our veterans residing in the Mississippi State Veterans Homes. Click the “Learn More” button to meet our incredible team of volunteers and board members that make what we do possible.

Home Page

About Veterans OutReach

Meet Our Founders

Meet Our Leadership

Volunteer With Us

Donate To Veterans OutReach

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Veterans OutReach of Mississippi

P.O. Box #2058
Collins, MS 39428


“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

Veterans OutReach of Mississippi is an officially registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the state of Mississippi.