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Veterans OutReach of Mississippi
Serving America’s Heroes residing in the Mississippi State Veterans Homes since 2009
100% Volunteer Operated
Our services to our veterans depend solely on donations of monies, material goods or services. We have no paid officers or any other paid employees; therefore, your donated funds or material goods are used for the aid and comfort of our deserving veterans. We ask that you contribute whatever you are comfortable giving. Veterans OutReach is a non profit entity organized exclusively for charitable purposes and are exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code. Contributions made to Veterans OutReach are deductible under section 170 of the Code.
Giving Options
Our goal is to support all of the veterans residing in the Mississippi State Veterans Homes. Right now, we are currently supporting the Collins & Kosciusko homes. We plan to expand in the near future to support the Tradition State Veterans Home when it is completed in 2025. Each home has its own designated fund that individuals, businesses, and organizations can contribute to.
Keep scrolling for the different ways that you can give to Veterans OutReach as well as the funds that are available to donate to!
Give via Mail
Cash or checks can be made out to Veterans OutReach of MS, P.O. Box #2058 – Collins, MS 39428
Give Online
You can give online anytime! Keep scrolling to choose a fund to give to!
Collins Fund
Our Collins Fund is designated to serve and support the veterans residing in the Collins State Veterans Home (3261 US 49, Collins, MS 39428). If you decide to give to the Collins Fund via cash or check, please be sure to add “Collins Fund” to the memo line or write it on the envelope. Online giving option for the Collins Fund is now available!
Kosciusko Fund
Our Kosciusko Fund is designated to serve and support the veterans residing in the Kosciusko State Veterans Home (310 Autumn Ridge Dr, Kosciusko, MS 39090). If you decide to give to the Kosciusko Fund via cash or check, please be sure to add “Kosciusko Fund” to the memo line or write it on the envelope. Online giving option for the Kosciusko Fund is now available!
Frequently Asked Questions
One of our goals as an organization is to be as transparent as possible with the community about our operations and finances. That includes answering your questions about donations and what we do with the funds raised by Veterans OutReach. Below are some our most frequently asked questions. Click on each question to get an answer.
Is this a legitimate non-profit organization?
Yes. Veterans OutReach is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization under the United States Internal Revenue Code.
Who is in charge of the money and the organization?
Veterans OutReach has an elected Board of Directors and a Treasurer that are solely responsible for the organization and ensure that money is being used for the purposes of the organization. Veterans OutReach does not have any paid employees or staff members. All Board Members, General Members, and our Treasurer are considered volunteers and are not paid staff members. You can learn more about our Board by clicking here.
What does my monetary donation do when I give to Veterans OutReach?
You can learn more about how we support our Veterans by clicking here.
Are monetary donations tax deductible and can I get a receipt after donating?
Yes and yes! All monetary donations given to Veterans OutReach are tax deductible. We will provide a receipt each time you give financially, if you would like one. If you give online, a receipt will be emailed to you upon a successful donation. If for some reason you have not received a receipt and you would like one, please reach out to us via our website’s contact page.
Can I give to Veterans Outreach on behalf of a business or organization that I am a part of?
Yes you can! When you donate online, there will be an option to donate on behalf of a business/organization. Please specify on an envelope or check (if you are giving via cash or check) that you are donating on behalf of a business/organization.
Can I give to Veterans OutReach on a recurring basis?
Absolutely, you can! The easiest way to give on a recurring basis is through each of the online fund giving pages listed above. Each online donation form will give you the option to give either monthly, quarterly, or annually. The amount you set will be charged to your preferred payment method at those set times. You can also do this via cash or check and send the donations to our P. O. Box whenever you are free to do so.
I have an online recurring donation set up and I need to make changes to or stop the transactions from continuing. How do I make these changes?
You can send us a message on our contact page and we can help make those changes as needed.
How can I get involved with volunteering with Veterans Outreach?
You can visit our volunteering page by clicking here for more information.
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Veterans OutReach of Mississippi
P.O. Box #2058
Collins, MS 39428
“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
Veterans OutReach of Mississippi is an officially registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the state of Mississippi.